Spiritborn Skills - Diablo 4: Explore the Skill Tree

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Explore Spiritborn skills and skill tree in Diablo 4's 'Vessel of Hatred', featuring unique animal spirits and powerful abilities.

Spiritborn Skills Overview

For those interested in the Spiritborn skills and the intricate details of the class's skill tree, this is the perfect destination.

The Spiritborn class is set to debut with the upcoming expansion, "Vessel of Hatred," marking its introduction to the Diablo universe.

This class features four unique animal spirits that players can combine: the jaguar, eagle, gorilla, and centipede.

Keep in mind that the following details pertain to the initial rank of each skill.

For an in-depth exploration, check out our comprehensive Spiritborn skill tree available in our build planner.


Introducing the Spiritborn Skills and their Skill Tree for Diablo 4, where players can explore an array of powerful abilities.

From left to right, we have:

  • Rock Splitter
  • Thunderspike
  • Thrash
  • Withering Fist

Each skill offers unique mechanics and strategic advantages.

Rock Splitter: - Base Damage: 15%- Lucky Hit Chance: 29%- Charge towards foes, delivering a hefty blow.- The third strike hits all nearby enemies for 28% damage.- Grants a 15% boost to block chance for 5 seconds, alongside 11 vigor when a block is successfully executed.- The third hit also knocks back foes and generates resolve for each enemy struck.- Increases thorns by 13 for 5 seconds, with the third strike reflecting 100% of your thorns back to attackers.

Thunderspike: - Base Damage: 15%- Lucky Hit Chance: 23%- Executing a quick jab, this skill pierces through enemies.- The third attack extends its reach, dealing 23% damage and reducing evade cooldown by 5 seconds.- If you’ve moved within the last 2 seconds, it grants an extra 5 vigor.- The third attack can pull in and knock down distant enemies for 3 seconds.- Evading triggers an attack with Thunderspike, rendering enemies vulnerable for 2 seconds.

Thrash: - Base Damage: 10%- Lucky Hit Chance: 21%- Dive and slash at enemies with a swift attack.- The third strike releases a flurry of slashes, totaling 25% damage.- After an enemy's defeat, the subsequent Thrash generates up to 10 additional vigor.- The third attack can stack ferocity, allowing for continuous damage if re-cast within 1.5 seconds.

Withering Fist: - Base Damage: 5%- Lucky Hit Chance: 26%- Jab at an enemy, applying poison damage over 6 seconds.- The third attack bursts out, damaging surrounding enemies while slowing them by 30% for 3 seconds.- For every nearby poisoned enemy, you gain 1 vigor per second, up to 10.- The third strike can spread poison to three nearby unaffected foes, and hitting a vulnerable enemy will further amplify this effect.- Enemies affected by the poison will deal 20% less damage.

Players can utilize these skills to create a dynamic gameplay experience, combining offense and defense for powerful combinations and strategies.


  • Skills Overview: Spiritborn Class Mechanics

  • Core Skills: Gorilla

  • Lucky Hit Probability: 31%

  • Smash down beside you, generating two shockwaves on either side, each inflicting 25% damage.

  • Crushing Hand provides a barrier that absorbs 10% of the damage dealt for 2 seconds, capping at 50% of your total life.

  • Enemies struck by both shockwaves from Crushing Hand are knocked down for a duration of 2 seconds.

  • The area of effect for Crushing Hand increases by 5% for each stack of resolve you possess, reaching a maximum of 40%.

  • Core Skills: Eagle

  • Lucky Hit Probability: 13%

  • Launch 5 feathers that penetrate through foes, each causing 14% damage.

  • Quill Volley renders enemies vulnerable for 3 seconds if they are struck by 3 or more feathers simultaneously.

  • This skill releases an additional 3 feathers and enhances the damage dealt to each enemy by 30%.

  • Quill Volley’s feathers travel 50% further and aim towards your target, gaining an extra 0.2% critical strike chance for each vigor point you had at the time of casting.

  • Core Skills: Jaguar

  • Lucky Hit Probability: 17%

  • Summon claws that sweep through front-line enemies, dealing 20% damage and exploding for an additional 40% damage.

  • Utilizing Rake grants a ferocity stack.

  • Hitting at least one enemy with Rake shortens your longest active cooldown by 0.5 seconds.

  • The vigor cost of Rake decreases by 2 for each ferocity stack you hold.

  • Core Skills: Centipede

  • Lucky Hit Probability: 21%

  • Strike at a small area, inflicting 70% damage to all enemies within, as well as those poisoned in the vicinity.

  • Stinger inflicts 50% of its base damage as a poison effect over 6 seconds on all impacted enemies.

  • If Stinger hits a vulnerable enemy, it restores 10% of your maximum life. If you are in good health, it makes enemies vulnerable for 3 seconds.

  • Stinger inflicts 5% additional direct damage to elite enemies for each nearby poisoned foe.

  • Your basic abilities gain a 10% damage boost, doubling this increase for the third attack.

  • Using a core skill boosts vigor generation by 5% for 3 seconds.

  • While moving, generate 1 vigor per second if you have inflicted damage in the past 5 seconds.


- Cooldown : 12 seconds
- Lucky Hit Chance : 21%
- Summons a cyclone that draws enemies in, followed by a devastating downdraft inflicting 35% damage.
- Casting Vortex boosts the damage of your next skill by 20%.
- While an active barrier is present, Vortex inflicts an additional 200% damage and knocks opponents down for 3 seconds.
- Critical hits with Vortex reduce its cooldown by 1 second.

- Cooldown : 15 seconds
- Lucky Hit Chance : 68%
- Ascend into the air, creating a cloud that renders enemies vulnerable at the target location for 5 seconds before crashing down to deal 50% damage.
- The subsequent strike on an affected enemy is guaranteed to be a critical hit. If no enemies are hit, gain 50% increased movement speed for 3 seconds.
- Grants unstoppable status for 3 seconds.

Replenishing Soar
- The cloud remains for 7 seconds post-landing, continuing to make enemies vulnerable.

- Focus : Jaguar | Incarnate
- Cooldown : 20 seconds
- Lucky Hit Chance : 31%
- Passive : Increases minimum ferocity by 2.
- Active : Unleash a fierce roar, causing all attacks to trigger additional strikes dealing 60% damage for 6 seconds.
- The duration of Ravager extends by 2 seconds with each kill while active, decreasing by 0.25 seconds per kill, min 0.50 seconds.
- While Ravager is active, core skills dash to the target instantly, and vigor generation increases by 30%.
- Ravager accumulates healing up to 40 stacks, spending them to strike elite enemies up to 4 additional times.
- Gain a 100% increase in dodge chance during evasion. Each dodge grants a 5% critical strike chance for 3 seconds.
- Deal 3% more damage while unhindered or unstoppable.
- Mobility skill cooldowns may be reduced by up to 2 seconds based on travel distance.

Toxic Skin
- Focus : Centipede | Incarnate
- Cooldown : 15 seconds
- Lucky Hit Chance : 10%
- Passive : Enemies that strike you are poisoned, taking 30% damage over 3 seconds.
- Active : Overflowing toxins create a poisonous trail, granting unhindered status for 5 seconds. When activated, Toxic Skin enhances the poisoning effect, amplifying it by 100% for a duration of 3 seconds.

During the activation of Toxic Skin, your poisoning inflicts an extra 25% of its damage over time as critical hits on enemies that are vulnerable.

Additionally, Toxic Skin provides a passive boost, increasing the thorns damage inflicted on poisoned foes by 100%.

You gain a 3% increase in damage against vulnerable targets, which is doubled when facing elite enemies.

Furthermore, vulnerable adversaries will inflict 5% less damage upon you.


Armored Hide:

  • Type: Defensive | Gorilla | Incarnate

  • Cooldown: 25 seconds

  • Lucky Hit Chance: 31%

  • Passive Effect: Accumulate 2 resolve every 5 seconds.

  • Active Ability: Surround yourself in an impenetrable shield, achieving 100% block chance for 3 seconds while becoming unstoppable.

  • When activated, Armored Hide maximizes resolve and boosts your thorns by 64 during its effect.

  • Evading through foes while under this effect allows you to inflict 100% of your thorns as damage and heal for 5% of your max life per hit.

  • Additionally, for each nearby enemy, your block reduction increases by 5%.

Concussive Stomp:

  • Type: Defensive | Gorilla | Incarnate

  • Cooldown: 10 seconds

  • Lucky Hit Chance: 20%

  • Active Ability: Perform a stomp that unleashes a shockwave, causing 15% damage and incapacitating foes for 3 seconds.

  • This ability creates a barrier equivalent to 10% of your max life for every enemy hit, capping at 100%.

  • Once enemies regain their footing from Concussive Stomp, you will evade their next 3 strikes.

  • Against unstoppable foes and bosses, this ability gains an extra charge and deals [x]500% more damage.


  • Type: Defensive | Jaguar | Incarnate

  • Charges: 2

  • Cooldown: 15 seconds

  • Lucky Hit Chance: 30%

  • Passive Benefit: Earn a 20% dodge chance and automatically retaliate against nearby enemies, dealing 80% damage when dodging their attacks.

  • Active Effect: Evade all direct hits for 2 seconds.

  • The cooldown of Counterattack decreases by 0.5 seconds for each stack of ferocity accumulated.

  • When dodging a control-impairing attack, Counterattack reflects that crowd control effect to all nearby foes for 2 seconds.

  • Additionally, it passively enhances your critical strike damage by an extra 10% for each close enemy.


  • Type: Defensive | Centipede

  • Cooldown: 12 seconds

  • Lucky Hit Chance: 20%

  • Active Ability: Summon a swarm of insects to assault enemies, inducing fear and slowing them for 3 seconds while applying 100% poison damage over the course of 6 seconds.

  • Each hit on an enemy afflicted by Scourge grants a 1% damage increase against crowd-controlled enemies for 6 seconds, stacking up to 50%.

  • Lucky Hit: Striking an enemy under the effect of Scourge has up to a 50% chance to restore 35% of the damage dealt as life.

Spiritborn Skills Overview

  • When you cast Scourge, you receive 100% of your total vigor over a duration of six seconds.

  • You will benefit from a 15% boost in poison resistance, along with a 5% increase in your maximum poison resistance.

  • Your healing effectiveness is raised by 25%. Each time you heal, your poison damage escalates by 2% for three seconds, stacking up to a total of 10%.

  • You start with a 10% chance to block incoming attacks. If you remain stationary for one second, you gain an additional 10% reduction in block damage, which lasts for two seconds after you move.

  • If you avoid taking damage for five seconds, you can accumulate a barrier that grants up to 10% of your maximum life over a span of ten seconds.

  • You acquire six thorns, and while a barrier is active, your thorns are amplified by 30%.

  • Using a defensive skill will provide you with five vigor.

  • For every stack of resolve you have, you gain an extra 1% damage.

  • While maintaining at least four stacks of ferocity, you receive increased life on kill equivalent to 5% of your maximum life.


Unleashing the power of Spiritborn Skills in Diablo 4 brings a fascinating set of abilities to enhance your gameplay.

Payback skill allows you to smash foes directly in front of you, inflicting 100% damage with a cooldown of 12 seconds.

When engaged in battle, every enemy hit increases the damage they receive from Payback by 5% for up to 75%, lasting 60 seconds.

Additionally, it grants you vigor with each hit you take, consuming all available vigor to boost damage by 0.5% for every point used.

If you become control impaired while Payback is on cooldown, it becomes free to cast and grants you unstoppable status for 3 seconds, but this effect can only trigger once every 30 seconds.

Eagle skills offer a unique twist, providing a 1% damage increase for every 20% movement speed you possess.

When you cast an eagle skill, you gain a temporary boost of 5% movement speed for 3 seconds.

Razor Wings, a key eagle ability, launches a barrage of spirit feathers that inflict 70% damage in both directions and can make enemies vulnerable for 5 seconds upon a critical hit or rear attack.

It has a 10% chance to regain a charge on a second hit, doubling this chance if you have an active barrier.

Using 3 charges at once will unleash a spiral of three razor wings, maximizing your damage output.

For mobility, the Jaguar skills shine with Rushing Claw, which allows you to slash through enemies, dealing a total of 50% damage across two strikes.

Enemies struck by Rushing Claw also suffer a 10% increase in damage taken, capping at 80%.

Furthermore, hitting an elite enemy with Rushing Claw grants you a 25% dodge chance boost for 3 seconds.

Using the last charge of Rushing Claw replenishes all charges instantly at the cost of 4 stacks of ferocity, enhancing your combat flow.

Lastly, Centipede offers a cooldown of 15 seconds and a lucky hit chance of 20%, rounding out the versatile Spiritborn skillset.* Strike an enemy to inflict an infection, causing an initial 5% damage followed by a significant 300% poison damage over a duration of 9 seconds.

  • Once the infection wears off or the infected enemy is defeated, a swarm will emerge and pursue nearby foes for 9 seconds, inflicting 10% damage with each attack.

  • You can have a maximum of 3 active swarms at any given time.

  • The Touch of Death ability not only spreads infection but also heals you for 2.0% of your total health per second, accumulating up to 18%. Any leftover healing is granted when the swarm is released.

  • This skill is classified as a core ability, requiring 70 vigor to use and has no cooldown period.

  • The swarms produced by Touch of Death erupt every second, dealing 30% of their initial poison damage to enemies in proximity over 6 seconds.

  • Your centipede abilities gain a damage boost of 5/10/15%, with this bonus doubled when targeting enemies with full health.

  • When centipede skills are used against crowd-controlled opponents, they deal an extra 10% damage and their crowd control effects last 50% longer.

  • Employing a gorilla skill temporarily increases your maximum life by 5/10/15% for a span of 10 seconds.

  • Gorilla skills also enhance damage against enemies that are knocked down, carrying a 5% chance to eliminate them if they are not a boss.


In the latest updates for Diablo 4, the Spiritborn skills and their corresponding skill tree have been unveiled, showcasing a variety of powerful abilities.

The Protector stands out with its ultimate skill, the Gorilla , which features a cooldown of 45 seconds and a lucky hit chance of 16%. This spirit creates a protective area for 6 seconds, delivering continuous damage of 80% to nearby foes while providing a barrier equal to 15% of your maximum life every 1.5 seconds. Notably, strikes from the Protector inflict 300% increased damage on non-elite enemies and diminish incoming damage from elite foes by 30% for the duration. The protective area remains active for an additional 6 seconds, granting you an unstoppable status and slowing enemies or small projectiles by 80% within its bounds.

Next, the Eagle ultimate skill offers three charges, each with a cooldown of 30 seconds and a lucky hit chance of 31%. Upon activation, the eagle spirit swoops down to deal 20% damage, followed by a powerful blast that inflicts 300% damage after a brief delay. The first strike from the Seeker results in a knockdown effect lasting 4 seconds, while the second guarantees a critical hit. Additionally, this ability renders all nearby enemies vulnerable during its activation.

The Jaguar ultimate skill, also with a 45-second cooldown and a 16% lucky hit chance, allows you to leap across the battlefield, dealing 50% damage upon landing. It unleashes a flurry of rapid slashes, accumulating a total damage of 200% over 7 strikes. The Hunter aspect of this skill increases your ferocity by 4 stacks, boosting your damage against injured targets by 100% for 8 seconds. Furthermore, if you defeat an enemy while the Hunter is active, there’s a 15% chance to reset its cooldown and repeat the 7 strikes up to 4 times within the next 8 seconds.

Lastly, the ultimate skill known as Centipede has a cooldown of 45 seconds and a lucky hit chance of 10. This skill unleashes a centipede spirit that damages enemies in a line for 140% and spits on others for 40%. It lasts for 15 seconds, during which the Devourer releases 10 toxic globs that deal 105% poisoning damage over 6 seconds. If a non-boss enemy becomes poisoned, they will instantly perish, summoning a pestilent swarm that inflicts 30% damage per hit on any enemies it encounters. Additionally, casting any ultimate skill increases damage against elite enemies by 5% for 3 seconds, which doubles if you are only engaged with a single foe.- When equipped with an ultimate skill, your maximum vigor receives a boost of 10/20/30.

  • Defeating enemies while your ultimate skill is active grants supremacy stacks, enhancing your damage by 1% per stack, up to a maximum of 10%.
    Once the ultimate skill is over, you receive 5 supremacy stacks, but they will diminish at a rate of one stack per second.

  • Activating an ultimate skill grants you an unstoppable status for a duration of 1/2/3 seconds.

  • Striking foes with your ultimate skills restores 2/4/6% of your total life.

  • After casting an ultimate skill, the last potency, defensive, or focus skill used becomes free to cast for a brief period of 1/2/3 seconds.


Game Mechanics Overview

Vital Strikes, Adaptive Stances, Prodigy’s Tempo, and Noxious Resonance represent powerful mechanics in the game.

First, when facing vulnerable enemies, players can inflict double damage, enhancing their offensive capabilities.

Upon making an enemy vulnerable, the next direct attack offers several benefits:

  • It heals the player for 2% of their maximum health,
  • Generates a resource known as vigor,
  • And effectively removes the vulnerable status from the foe.

Regarding base spirit skills, each grants distinct advantages:

  • Eagle enhances movement speed by 30%,
  • Gorilla provides a 30% damage reduction,
  • Jaguar boosts attack speed by 30%,
  • Centipede enables life steal of 30%.

Switching to a skill with a different base spirit will trigger a new bonus, increasing overall damage by 30% for a duration of 5 seconds.

Additionally, players will notice that casting the same basic skill three consecutive times will raise all skill ranks by 2 for 5 seconds.

For core or potency skills, every third consecutive cast reduces the cooldowns of all active skills by 10%, with an additional 2% reduction for each skill rank.

Finally, critical strikes will unleash a burst effect, dealing poison damage to nearby enemies based on the total poison applied to the struck target.

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