Pi VPN Server Setup - Enhance Privacy Easily

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Unlock online privacy with Pi VPN! Transform your Raspberry Pi into a secure server for effortless remote access and enhanced security.


Setting Up Pi VPN Server

Establishing your own VPN server can significantly enhance your online privacy and provide you with remote access to your local network. However, many may find the setup process quite complex. Fortunately, Pi VPN simplifies this by transforming your Raspberry Pi into an affordable and efficient VPN server, taking care of much of the setup for you.

With this setup, you can effortlessly navigate around internet restrictions imposed by workplaces or educational institutions. Additionally, you will have the capability to connect to various devices within your home network, such as printers and file servers. If you desire even more security, you can implement end-to-end encryption, allowing all your mobile internet traffic to flow through a secure and anonymous tunnel.

To better understand how to get started, here’s an overview of what you will encounter:

  • Understanding Pi VPN and its benefits
  • Selecting the right VPN provider
  • Preparing your Raspberry Pi for installation
  • Step-by-step installation of Pi VPN
  • Utilizing the Pi VPN graphical user interface
  • Configuring an outbound VPN connection
  • Adjusting router settings for Pi VPN
  • Administering user accounts on Pi VPN
  • Setting up a mobile client for Pi VPN
  • Installing Pi VPN on your desktop
  • Exploring additional uses for Pi VPN within your network
  • Engaging practically with Pi VPN

Pi VPN operates as a streamlined OpenVPN server, specifically designed for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 models. By connecting a Raspberry Pi to your router, it functions as a conduit, enabling mobile devices to securely access your home network over the internet.


Transforming your Raspberry Pi into a VPN server opens up a world of possibilities. Here’s what you can achieve:

  • Access your files, music, and videos from any location.
  • Secure your mobile internet connection through encryption.
  • Print documents remotely on your home printers.
  • Circumvent firewalls and access restricted websites both at work and while traveling.
  • Conceal your mobile IP address for enhanced privacy.
  • Connect effortlessly with your home cameras and smart devices.

If you frequently find yourself forwarding various services via your router, consider establishing a home VPN connection instead. This approach is significantly more secure as each port you forward can potentially serve as an entry point for unauthorized access. In contrast, a Pi VPN only requires the opening of a single port, utilizing robust encryption to safeguard your local area network (LAN).

Before diving into this project, a critical decision is selecting the right VPN provider. Keep these essential factors in mind during your selection process:

  • Security : It’s crucial to ensure that your VPN provider maintains a strict no-logs policy regarding your connection data.
  • Bandwidth : Insufficient bandwidth can lead to a sluggish internet experience.
  • Latency : High ping times can also detrimentally impact performance.

Choosing the right provider balances these elements to maintain a seamless and secure internet connection.


For this project, I highly recommend choosing IPVanish as your VPN provider.

IPVanish boasts exceptional latency rates and impressive bandwidth after extensive testing among various options.

This ensures a swift and responsive online experience, even while utilizing a double-hop VPN connection.

Key features of IPVanish include:

  • A vast network of servers that remain uncongested, providing excellent speeds.
  • Robust security and privacy measures that protect your data.
  • Popular among users of Kodi and Amazon Fire Stick due to its app compatibility and streaming support.
  • Family-friendly, allowing up to 10 devices to connect simultaneously.
  • A risk-free trial with a 7-day money-back guarantee.

To get started on setting up your Raspberry Pi as a VPN server, you will need the following items:

  • A Raspberry Pi 2 or 3 with Raspbian operating system installed.
  • An 8GB or larger SD card for storage.

For optimal performance, it is advisable to connect your Raspberry Pi directly to your router using an Ethernet cable. However, if you prefer a wireless setup, you can still proceed with a Wi-Fi connection.

Just remember to replace 'eth0' with 'wlan0' in the instructions provided throughout this guide if you're using Wi-Fi.


To set up your Raspberry Pi as a VPN server, start by enabling the SSH service. You can do this via the interfacing options in the configuration menu.

Access the configuration tool by navigating through the Pi menu or simply enter the following command in the terminal:

sudo raspi-config

After enabling the SSH feature, reboot your Raspberry Pi to apply the changes.

Once your Pi is connected to your home network and SSH is activated, you have the option to disable the desktop interface and disconnect your monitor. Connecting remotely is straightforward with tools like PuTTY or the terminal on a Mac, making it just as convenient as direct input on the device itself.

Typically, you will prefer to operate your VPN server without a monitor attached. This is easily achievable with an SSH client, allowing you to access the command line interface of your Raspberry Pi from another computer seamlessly.


Before you remove the monitor from your Raspberry Pi, execute the command ifconfig .

This will display your Pi's IP address, which can be found in the inet section.

You will need this IP address for your SSH client connection.

If you're working with Windows to configure your Pi as a VPN server, download and install PuTTY.

You can find PuTTY available for free online.


Launch PuTTY and enter the IP address of your Raspberry Pi, which you recorded previously. Ensure that the connection type is set to SSH. To keep this configuration, click the save button to store your connection profile.

For users installing Pi VPN on a Mac or Linux machine, there’s no need to install a separate SSH client. Simply utilize the terminal that is built into your operating system, as it already includes SSH functionality.


When you initially connect to your Raspberry Pi, a prompt will appear asking you to save a security key.

Select the yes option to confirm the key's validity and store it on your device.

Following that, input your password. If you haven't modified it, the default password for Raspberry Pi is raspberry .


Once you see the prompt pi@hostname , it indicates that you have successfully logged in.


When you first connect via SSH, it's essential to update your default password for security. Use the command passwd to accomplish this task.

Before setting up your Raspberry Pi as a VPN server, ensure that your operating system is current.

Start by retrieving a list of the latest available software updates. You can do this by executing the following command:

sudo apt-get update


After ensuring you have the most recent software list, initiate an upgrade on your Raspberry Pi by entering the following command:

sudo apt-get upgrade


When prompted, make sure to press y to initiate the upgrade process.

This process may take a few minutes, and you'll be able to monitor the progress directly on your screen.

Since your Raspberry Pi will provide crucial network services, it's essential to assign a static IP address to it beforehand.

Additionally, consider updating the hostname during this setup.

This change will modify the prompt displayed upon login, making it easier to differentiate between multiple Raspberry Pis.

However, changing the hostname is entirely up to you and not a mandatory step.


To configure a static IP address for your Raspberry Pi, start by modifying the /etc/dhcpcd.conf file.

First, ensure you have your router's IP address and the DNS servers you plan on using.

If you need to find this information, you can utilize the ifconfig command.

When you're prepared to proceed, open the file with the following command in the nano text editor:

sudo nano /etc/dhcpcd.conf


Locate the section in the file marked example static IP configuration .

To configure it, simply remove the comment markers from the example settings.

Next, replace the placeholders with your specific IP address, router details, and gateway information.


Remove the comment from the static ip_address line and enter your desired static IP address. I opted for since it is near the router's IP and is simple to recall.


Remove the comment from static routers and static domain_name_servers , then input your specific values. After making the necessary adjustments, hit ctrl+x to exit, followed by y to confirm the save.


To modify your hostname, access the /etc/hostname file using the nano text editor with root privileges. You can do this by executing the command below:

sudo nano /etc/hostname


To start, modify the hostname by editing the appropriate configuration file. After making your changes, exit the editor by pressing ctrl+x and confirm saving with y .

Next, you will need to update the /etc/hosts file. Use the following command to open it for editing:

sudo nano /etc/hosts

Once inside, locate the line that begins with and replace the existing hostname with your new choice, for example, pivpn . After making these changes, reboot your Raspberry Pi using this command:

sudo reboot

Upon restart, ensure that you adjust the IP address you are using to connect, so it matches the newly assigned static IP address.

Keep in mind that Raspbian, being a Linux-based operating system, has a built-in firewall that is enabled by default. However, during a new installation, it tends to be configured to allow all traffic.

The default policy for Raspbian's firewall (iptables) permits all incoming and outgoing packets and forwards requests without restrictions. I will guide you on how to secure the firewall later, but first, make sure it is fully open to incoming connections.


To verify your current firewall rules, you can use the command iptables -l . This allows you to ensure that they correspond with your intended settings. If you've made modifications and wish to revert to the default configuration, execute the following commands:

sudo iptables -f

sudo iptables -p input accept

sudo iptables -p output accept

sudo iptables -p forward accept

When configuring your Raspberry Pi as a VPN server, you will be prompted to select the level of encryption. The available options include 1024-bit, 2048-bit, and 4096-bit RSA encryption. Here are some considerations:

  • The standard choice is 2048-bit RSA encryption.
  • Weaker encryption can yield faster speeds.
  • For downloading and streaming, 2048-bit is optimal.
  • Stronger encryption levels enhance security.
  • 4096-bit encryption is preferable for activities like email and web browsing.

While opting for 4096-bit RSA encryption might seem appealing, it can significantly slow down your experience, especially if you're streaming video or music, due to the added overhead. The 2048-bit standard is recommended for general use.

Keep in mind that SSH has a peculiar behavior. If your computer enters sleep mode during extended operations while connected via SSH, the connection may drop. This results in the cessation of any ongoing commands on your Raspberry Pi, requiring you to restart the process.

To simplify long SSH sessions, consider using a tool called screen . This utility allows you to initiate a session dedicated to a specific task. You can disconnect and reconnect at will, enabling you to monitor the task's progress without interruption.


To begin using the screen utility after installation, familiarize yourself with a few essential commands.

Start by installing screen via apt:

sudo apt-get install screen

After the installation completes, you can initiate screen by entering the following command:



When you disconnect, it may seem like nothing has changed; however, your commands will continue to execute in the background.

If your connection happens to fail, simply SSH back into your Raspberry Pi and enter:

screen -r

This command will allow you to seamlessly rejoin your SSH session, provided it’s the sole active session.


To manage multiple screen sessions on your Raspberry Pi, you can easily check which sessions are currently active by running the command screen -ls .

If you find a session you want to reconnect to, note its unique 5-digit identifier. For example, to reconnect to the session with ID 11712, simply type:

screen -r 11712

Getting accustomed to using screen will greatly enhance your experience when managing your Raspberry Pi via SSH. For further insights into the various features of screen, more information is available here.

After setting up your Raspberry Pi, the next step is to connect to it and initiate the installation of Pi VPN. This marks the beginning of a multi-stage installation process that will equip your device with the essential VPN capabilities needed for Pi VPN. Future steps will involve setting up a management web interface and configuring an outbound VPN connection for improved privacy.

The installation of Pi VPN is facilitated by a script that you can download from its official website using the curl command-line tool. Curl allows you to fetch files from the internet without the need for a web browser.


To initiate the installation of your Raspberry Pi VPN, you will need to execute the following command:

curl -l https://install.pivpn.io/ | bash


To initiate the setup, you will run a command that retrieves the installation script from pivpn.io, which will then be executed using the bash interpreter.

Once you execute this command, the installation will kick off right away. The first thing it does is check for any available updates for your apt packages. However, as you've already performed a system update following this guide, the script will bypass this check and proceed to the subsequent steps.


Begin by installing the essential packages required for the setup.

Once this step is complete, the installation of the Pi VPN will initiate.

This installer operates as a semi-graphical wizard, making it ideal for use over an SSH connection.

When you see the blue screen indicating that the installer is ready, you can proceed with the configuration.


Start by hitting enter to notify the Raspberry Pi VPN setup wizard that you are prepared to proceed.


Before you begin the setup wizard, it's crucial to establish a static IP address for your Raspberry Pi.

If you haven't done this yet, please take a moment to exit the wizard and refer back to the instructions provided in the earlier section.

Setting a static IP address first will help avoid any connectivity issues later in the process.


The VPN setup on your Raspberry Pi will display the detected IP address. If this matches the static IP address you configured earlier, simply click the yes button to proceed.


To prevent IP address conflicts, it's important to check the DHCP range set on your router.

The best practice is to assign a static IP address that falls outside of this range.

For instance, if your router's DHCP range is from to, you might choose a static IP like to ensure there are no overlaps.

Once you have your settings in place, click OK to proceed.


In most situations, it's advisable to stick with the default pi user. Ensure that this option is chosen and then hit the ok button.


It is advisable to select yes when prompted about enabling unattended security updates for your Raspberry Pi VPN server.

Since your Pi will be accessible over the internet due to port forwarding, ensuring that your Pi VPN is consistently updated is crucial for maintaining security.

If you choose no , be diligent about performing updates manually on a regular basis.


After setting up automatic updates, it’s typical for the console to display briefly. You can expect the installer to return shortly thereafter.


For optimal performance, it's generally recommended to configure your Raspberry Pi VPN with the UDP protocol.

However, if you intend to utilize a subscription-based VPN service for enhanced security through a double-hop connection, you should opt for the TCP protocol instead.


Make sure to remember the port number that you select for your Raspberry Pi VPN; it will be important for later steps.

The standard port for UDP is 1194 , whereas for TCP, it typically uses 443 . However, if you’re setting up a double-hop VPN, it’s best to avoid using the default TCP port to prevent any potential conflicts. I opted for port 4430 as my TCP choice since it was straightforward and easy to recall.

Next, you will need to decide on your encryption settings. I previously discussed the various options available and the reasons to choose each one. If you're feeling uncertain about which encryption level to select, refer back to my earlier recommendations for guidance.


Choose your desired encryption level by pressing the space bar, then confirm by hitting ok . For better video streaming capabilities over the connection, I'm opting for 2048-bit encryption .


VPN Setup Process Overview

Creating the necessary keys may require some time, especially if you opt for advanced encryption methods.

It's important to exercise patience as the Pi VPN works through the key generation process.

Once the server keys are ready, you'll be nearing the end of the Pi VPN setup wizard. Just a few more actions are needed before you're ready to establish a connection.


Opt for this public IP unless you possess a dynamic DNS account. If dynamic DNS is in use, select DNS entry and provide your hostname along with the usual settings.


Selecting a DNS provider for your VPN is an important step.

For most users, I suggest using Google due to its simplicity and no cost.

If you're looking for a more secure option, consider OpenDNS or Norton , which offer robust DNS services to prevent potential leaks.

Alternatively, if you plan to manage DNS requests with Pi-hole, you might want to opt for a custom DNS solution.


To begin, the setup wizard provides instructions on adding users via the command line.

Next, we will proceed with the installation of a web application designed for user management.

Additionally, you have the option to utilize the command pivpn add for this purpose.


To complete the setup, click on the yes button and allow your Raspberry Pi to restart.

Pi VPN GUI serves as a web-based interface designed for managing Pi VPN. While it’s not mandatory, it significantly simplifies the process of user management and device addition, making it highly recommended for installation.

Whenever you create a new user within PiVPN, an *.ovpn profile will be generated. The Pi VPN GUI allows you to easily manage user accounts and facilitates the downloading of these profiles.

If you opt out of using the Pi VPN GUI, you'll need to handle user management through command line tools, specifically the pivpn add and pivpn remove commands. Additionally, you'll be responsible for manually transferring the generated *.ovpn profiles, often using command-line utilities such as scp.

Prior to installing the Pi VPN GUI, ensure your apt package manager is updated. You will need to add a repository to access and download all necessary software for the Pi VPN GUI installation. Here’s the procedure to follow.


To modify the list of sources for apt, you can use the nano text editor.

Simply enter the following command in your terminal:

sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list

This will open the file where you can make the necessary changes.


To begin, locate your sources.list file and add the following line:

deb http://mirrordirector.raspbian.org/raspbian jessie main contrib non-free rpi

This addition informs the package manager that it can source packages from the older Debian Jessie release. This step is crucial as certain dependencies required by the Pi VPN GUI are not yet available in the Debian Stretch repositories.

However, it's important to note that including an older release in your sources.list is not considered a best practice. While it serves a purpose for now, it may lead to conflicts if you decide to install other software in the future.

Therefore, once you have completed the installation of the necessary software packages, it’s advisable to remove the line you added to maintain a cleaner and more stable environment.


To proceed, exit the nano editor by saving your changes.

Next, refresh the package lists by executing the command:

bashsudo apt-get update

After the update process is finished, ensure that all installed packages are up to date by running:

bashsudo apt-get upgrade

You have now successfully added the necessary repository to your package manager.

Following this, you need to install the essential packages for the Pi VPN graphical user interface. Use the command below to do so:

bashsudo apt-get install git apache2 php5 libapache2-mod-php5 php5-mcrypt expect geoip-bin


When you see the prompt, simply hit y to proceed and allow the installation to complete.

Once the software installation is done, you’ll need to make some adjustments to the configuration files before proceeding with the installation of the Pi VPN GUI.


After ensuring that the necessary software is set up, the next step is to delete the entry you previously added to /etc/apt/sources.list . Following this, execute the command sudo apt update once more.

To operate correctly, the Pi VPN GUI, which is a web application, requires an Apache web server. Although we installed Apache earlier, there are some additional configurations that need to be implemented for the Pi VPN GUI to function seamlessly on your Apache server.


To begin, it's essential to modify the user account for Apache. By default, Apache operates under an unsupported user account, so we will update it to run as the pi user.

To do this, open the Apache configuration file by entering the following command in your terminal:

sudo nano /etc/apache2/apache2.conf


Navigate down the page until you encounter the line labeled user $(apache_run_user) , which is immediately followed by the word group .


Adjust the user and group settings to pi for each. After making these changes, hit ctrl+x to exit, followed by y to confirm and save your modifications.


To set the ownership of the /var/www directory, which is utilized by Apache to hold website files, you need to execute a command.

This command will assign the user pi as the owner of the web directory:

sudo chown -R pi:pi /var/www

Make sure to use the -R option for recursive change.


To begin, navigate to the directory /var/www/html by executing the following command:

cd /var/www/html

This is the location where you'll finalize the installation of the Pi VPN GUI.

After all the preparations, downloading and setting up the Pi VPN GUI is a straightforward process. Simply use git to check out the project. If you've been keeping up, you should have already insta
